Category: Coming Out
Call Me By Your Name: Coming Out with Courage
Who doesn’t want, at least once in life, the experience of falling in love? But how do we find the courage to take steps into the unknown, perhaps risking rejection, so that our love might be acknowledged and possibly reciprocated?
What Sonia Kruger or the Media isn’t saying about LGBT Scholarships (and why we need them)
Sonia Kruger stirred up social media this week by appearing on national television and condemning targetted scholarships for young people who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans.
Journey Out of Shame: 4 Factors Influencing Transition into Gay Life
You can’t live anyone else’s life, just your own. So you have to keep giving yourself what you need on your journey and transition into gay life.
Holding the Man: Finding Your Way To And Back to a Gay Relationship
Is it possible for guys to fall in love? Can two men have a successful relationship? Do gay relationships last?
Ian Thorpe’s Coming Out: How Australian Sports Built a Closet for a Champion
It’s been only a couple of weeks now since I wrote a post questioning both the generally accepted concept of Coming Out and the point of coming out to parents. In that time, there have been at least two significant Australian sports media stories associated with gay identity. The first was about the AFL sports…
Growing up Gay in a Straight State
Reflecting on childhood experiences is not easy, but sometimes it makes us stronger. Homosexuality and ‘Poofters’ in the Sunshine State Even at quite a young age, I knew I was attracted to men. I realise this is not the case for every gay man, that’s just how it was for me. It felt quite natural…