Category: Gay Relationships
Gay Gaslighting and 5 Other Signs Your Same Sex Partner is Manipulating You
Gay relationships, like other intimate partnerships, function well when they are places of refuge and safety in which each individual can grow. So when being coupled leads to agitation, discomfort, manipulation or mistrust, it’s a sign something needs to change.
Journey Out of Shame: 4 Factors Influencing Transition into Gay Life
You can’t live anyone else’s life, just your own. So you have to keep giving yourself what you need on your journey and transition into gay life.
Holding the Man: Finding Your Way To And Back to a Gay Relationship
Is it possible for guys to fall in love? Can two men have a successful relationship? Do gay relationships last?
Gay Dating Advice: 10 Tips to Success for Single Gay Guys
As a counsellor for gay men I am often asked to give my opinion about how to find a boyfriend, gay dating advice and gay relationship tips as well as support for coming out and help for gay men’s mental health. I’m flattered that many of my clients assume I’m an expert on such matters,…
Grindr Addiction to Gay Dating: Is it Possible?
I’m old enough to remember a time when gay dating websites didn’t exist, a time before the Internet itself. There was no option to stay home if you wanted to meet guys. You had to go out. You had to go somewhere. Men met men at dinners, parties and dances, at bars and clubs, at…
Where are the Gay Couples? Looking for Same Sex Love in Australian Pop Culture.
Sydney is considered the gay capital of Australia. According to the 2011 Australian census, almost 30% of same sex couples reside in Sydney. And in Potts Point, a suburb in the centre of Sydney, more than one fifth of the couples are same sex. But we still rarely see same sex couples represented on TV,…