Category: Identity
How to Find a Psychologist for Gay Men or Gay Mental Health Therapist.
Choosing a private counsellor, coach or psychologist for gay men requires background research. Governments in Australia have left this industry unregulated so many individuals promoting coaching or counselling sessions are inexperienced, unqualified, uninsured and lacking accountability. This leaves gay men vulnerable to breaches of confidentiality, unscientific methods and financial exploitation. Protect yourself by sourcing a…
Gay Shame and Fear of Rejection: How a Gay Counsellor can Help
Fear of rejection is a common reason gay men seek counselling, and rightly so. No one wants to feel like he is ‘not good enough’ or ‘not as good’ as others. And feeling inferior can lead us to withdraw from the world, to escape or overcompensate. We end up making twice as much effort just…
What Sonia Kruger or the Media isn’t saying about LGBT Scholarships (and why we need them)
Sonia Kruger stirred up social media this week by appearing on national television and condemning targetted scholarships for young people who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans.
Journey Out of Shame: 4 Factors Influencing Transition into Gay Life
You can’t live anyone else’s life, just your own. So you have to keep giving yourself what you need on your journey and transition into gay life.
Holding the Man: Finding Your Way To And Back to a Gay Relationship
Is it possible for guys to fall in love? Can two men have a successful relationship? Do gay relationships last?
Sizing Up: When We Compete with other Gay Men in Gay Communities
Gay Community is a hotly contested topic. Many argue it is exclusive and divisive and some even question its existence. How do gay men respond to the expectation to compete with other men? Recently I wrote of growing up gay in Queensland in the 1970s and 80s. I attended an all-boys school which encouraged us…
Where are the Gay Couples? Looking for Same Sex Love in Australian Pop Culture.
Sydney is considered the gay capital of Australia. According to the 2011 Australian census, almost 30% of same sex couples reside in Sydney. And in Potts Point, a suburb in the centre of Sydney, more than one fifth of the couples are same sex. But we still rarely see same sex couples represented on TV,…