Category: Mental Health
Feeling Better as a Gay Man: Overcoming Not-Enough Syndrome.
Many gay men grapple with a pervasive sense of not feeling “good enough” or being “enough.” This internalized belief often stems from early experiences of shame, societal rejection, and the relentless comparison to heteronormative standards. Understanding and addressing this deep-seated feeling is crucial for personal growth, self-esteem, and self-acceptance. Learning self-compassion can be a transformative…
Confidential Therapy to Stop Using Meth and Chemsex.
Struggling to stop using meth and doing chemsex? You are not alone. Meth or Methamphetamine (aka ‘Crystal’, ‘Ice’ or ‘Tina’) causes problems for gay men. While it can immediately make you feel euphoric, horny and confident, even invincible, it is also highly addictive. Meth can cause you to panic, behave aggressively and have psychotic hallucinations.…
How to Find a Psychologist for Gay Men or Gay Mental Health Therapist.
Choosing a private counsellor, coach or psychologist for gay men requires background research. Governments in Australia have left this industry unregulated so many individuals promoting coaching or counselling sessions are inexperienced, unqualified, uninsured and lacking accountability. This leaves gay men vulnerable to breaches of confidentiality, unscientific methods and financial exploitation. Protect yourself by sourcing a…
Gay Gaslighting and 5 Other Signs Your Same Sex Partner is Manipulating You
Gay relationships, like other intimate partnerships, function well when they are places of refuge and safety in which each individual can grow. So when being coupled leads to agitation, discomfort, manipulation or mistrust, it’s a sign something needs to change.
Gay and Bipolar: Sexuality, Mood Disorders and the Ups and Downs of Life
If you are gay and you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar (often called ‘bipolar disorder’) you’ve probably already been on some kind of medication. A bipolar diagnosis often follows a hospital admission, which can be a scary experience in itself. I’m not going to write about medication or hospitals here, because prescribing meds is not something…
Drugs and Partying for Mental Health: When the Gay Parties are Over
In Sydney, gay party season is upon us. Drugs and partying go together for many gay men and using drugs can be a way to reset. Drugs can also adversely affect mental health and looking after friends and community becomes particularly important at this time of year. Last week I saw the video for the…