Tag: gay
Gay Gaslighting and 5 Other Signs Your Same Sex Partner is Manipulating You
Gay relationships, like other intimate partnerships, function well when they are places of refuge and safety in which each individual can grow. So when being coupled leads to agitation, discomfort, manipulation or mistrust, it’s a sign something needs to change.
Call Me By Your Name: Coming Out with Courage
Who doesn’t want, at least once in life, the experience of falling in love? But how do we find the courage to take steps into the unknown, perhaps risking rejection, so that our love might be acknowledged and possibly reciprocated?
Journey Out of Shame: 4 Factors Influencing Transition into Gay Life
You can’t live anyone else’s life, just your own. So you have to keep giving yourself what you need on your journey and transition into gay life.
Grindr Addiction to Gay Dating: Is it Possible?
I’m old enough to remember a time when gay dating websites didn’t exist, a time before the Internet itself. There was no option to stay home if you wanted to meet guys. You had to go out. You had to go somewhere. Men met men at dinners, parties and dances, at bars and clubs, at…
Ian Thorpe’s Coming Out: How Australian Sports Built a Closet for a Champion
It’s been only a couple of weeks now since I wrote a post questioning both the generally accepted concept of Coming Out and the point of coming out to parents. In that time, there have been at least two significant Australian sports media stories associated with gay identity. The first was about the AFL sports…
Gay and Bipolar: Sexuality, Mood Disorders and the Ups and Downs of Life
If you are gay and you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar (often called ‘bipolar disorder’) you’ve probably already been on some kind of medication. A bipolar diagnosis often follows a hospital admission, which can be a scary experience in itself. I’m not going to write about medication or hospitals here, because prescribing meds is not something…
Drugs and Partying for Mental Health: When the Gay Parties are Over
In Sydney, gay party season is upon us. Drugs and partying go together for many gay men and using drugs can be a way to reset. Drugs can also adversely affect mental health and looking after friends and community becomes particularly important at this time of year. Last week I saw the video for the…